Cream Whipper
  • Activities_Accounting & Finance
  • Activities_Animal Care
  • Activities_Development/Fundraising
  • Activities_Food Service
  • Activities_Strategy
  • Age_14
  • Age_15
  • Age_16
  • Age_17
  • Age_18
  • Age_19
  • Age_20
  • Age_21 and above
  • Causes_Basic Needs
  • Causes_Climate Change
  • Causes_Community Health
  • Causes_Hunger
  • Close_3:30 pm
  • Close_4:00 pm
  • Close_4:30 pm
  • Close_5:00 pm
  • Close_5:30 pm
  • Close_6:00 pm
  • Close_6:30 pm
  • Close_7:00 pm
  • Close_7:30 pm
  • Close_8:00 pm
  • Close_8:30 pm
  • Days_Sunday
  • Days_Wednesday
  • Duration_1 month to 1 semester
  • Duration_1 semester to 1 school year
  • Duration_1 week to 1 month
  • Education_College graduate
  • Education_Current college graduate student
  • Education_Current College student
  • Education_High School graduate
  • Ethnic_Bangladeshi
  • Ethnic_Haitian
  • Ethnic_Indian
  • Ethnic_Martian
  • Ethnic_Persian
  • Groups_Accepted
  • Hours_10 to 20 hours
  • Hours_20 to 40 hours
  • Hours_6 to 10 hours
  • Pagan
  • Religious_Catholic
  • Religious_Christian
  • Religious_Greek Orthodox
  • Religious_Jain
  • Start_December holidays
  • Venusian
  • Cream Whipper

    Position / Role

    Cream Whipper

    What will the student do?

    This is a sample of what students will do. Add three pure eggwhites into a perfectly cleaned and dried large stainless steel bowl. Whip a few rounds then add some sugar. Whip till no liquid forms at the bottom, then add the second round of sugar. Next, whip, until you can see the trace of your whipping could stick at the surface for a while. Add the last round of sugar and whip for another five minutes.

    Language Skills Required

    American Sign Language, Arabic, Cantonese, Filipino, French, Hebrew, Klingon

    Expertise and/or Experience Desired

    This is a sample of the Expertise you should have. Health proof. Love to the kitchen.

    Is any specific attire required of the student?

    Bring your own apron please.

    Will you accept a group of students?


    Does the student need to bring any equipment or materials?

    You might need to bring your mobile phone charger.

    Where Will the Student Work?

    Somewhere Flushing New York 11355

    There are numerous bus and subway lines nearby.

    The Oriental Express

    Dates and Commitment

    Anytime, any day, any hour, that you can find us. Which is completely no time.

    How to Apply

    Certification of your love for tea. Draft something. It doesn't matter, we'll probably not looking at it at all. Maybe directly into the recycling system.

    Where to send your application


    We will get back to you in

    two to three centries

  • Activities_Accounting & Finance
  • Activities_Animal Care
  • Activities_Development/Fundraising
  • Activities_Food Service
  • Activities_Strategy
  • Age_14
  • Age_15
  • Age_16
  • Age_17
  • Age_18
  • Age_19
  • Age_20
  • Age_21 and above
  • Causes_Basic Needs
  • Causes_Climate Change
  • Causes_Community Health
  • Causes_Hunger
  • Close_3:30 pm
  • Close_4:00 pm
  • Close_4:30 pm
  • Close_5:00 pm
  • Close_5:30 pm
  • Close_6:00 pm
  • Close_6:30 pm
  • Close_7:00 pm
  • Close_7:30 pm
  • Close_8:00 pm
  • Close_8:30 pm
  • Days_Sunday
  • Days_Wednesday
  • Duration_1 month to 1 semester
  • Duration_1 semester to 1 school year
  • Duration_1 week to 1 month
  • Education_College graduate
  • Education_Current college graduate student
  • Education_Current College student
  • Education_High School graduate
  • Ethnic_Bangladeshi
  • Ethnic_Haitian
  • Ethnic_Indian
  • Ethnic_Martian
  • Ethnic_Persian
  • Groups_Accepted
  • Hours_10 to 20 hours
  • Hours_20 to 40 hours
  • Hours_6 to 10 hours
  • Pagan
  • Religious_Catholic
  • Religious_Christian
  • Religious_Greek Orthodox
  • Religious_Jain
  • Start_December holidays
  • Venusian