
Please share word of this site to help students and nonprofits make a difference.


Share with Nonprofits by Sending this Email

Please send this note to nonprofits that may need outstanding interns or volunteers.

Dear ___________,

An exciting new nonprofit site makes it easier than ever for your nonprofit to find the capable high school students who are looking for community service / volunteer opportunities and who can help advance your mission.

The 400,000 high school students in NYC who do community service are a great resource, but there is no easy way for them to find opportunities that meet their (and your) specific criteria: cause, activities, interests, abilities, experience, skills, language, religious or ethnic focus, location, hours, age, etc. That is, there is no easy way for them to find you.

This new nonprofit website makes it easy for students to find the right opportunities and for you to attract great student talent:

Thank you very much!

Best wishes,


Share with Students by Sending this Email

Please send this note to students who want great community service opportunities.  

Hello ______,

Are you looking for a convenient and rewarding community service opportunity? There are 35,000 nonprofits in NYC, so there are countless opportunities.

Until now, however, there has been no easy way to find the opportunities that meet your specific criteria: cause, activities, interests, abilities, experience, skills, language, religious or ethnic focus, location, hours, age, etc.

Finally, a new nonprofit website makes it easy:

Thank you very much!

Best wishes,

Share with Faculty, PTA, and Schools by Sending this Email

Please send this note to teachers and schools.


Many students report that it is difficult to find convenient and rewarding community service opportunities that meet their specific criteria: cause, activities, interests, abilities, experience, skills, language, religious or ethnic focus, location, hours, age, etc.

A new nonprofit site makes it easy for students to find the perfect opportunities.

Please be so kind as to share this with school faculty, advisors, teachers, other parents, and students:

Thank you very much!

Best wishes,

Share with Parents by Sending this Email

Please send this note to parents.


Many students report that it is difficult to find convenient and rewarding community service opportunities that meet their specific criteria: cause, activities, interests, abilities, experience, skills, language, religious or ethnic focus, location, hours, age, etc.

A new nonprofit site makes it easy for students to find the perfect opportunities.

Please be so kind as to share this with school faculty, advisors, teachers, parents, and students:

Thank you very much!

Best wishes,