Intern to Make Central Park More Beautiful
  • Activities_Landscape
  • Ages_16
  • Ages_17
  • Ages_18
  • Ages_19
  • Ages_20
  • Ages_21+
  • Causes_Environment
  • Duration_1 semester
  • Languages_English
  • Languages_Spanish
  • Location_Manhattan East Side
  • Start_December holidays
  • Start_Fall semester
  • Start_Spring holidays
  • Start_Spring semester
  • Start_Summer
  • Weekends_Saturday
  • Weekends_Sunday
  • Work until_7pm
  • Intern to Make Central Park More Beautiful

    Position / Role

    Park Conservator Intern


    What will the student do?

    Join us at the Central Park Trust. Use your skills, talent, and creativity to make the most beautiful park in the city even better. You will work on a small team as you learn about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. 


    Language Skills Required

    Fluent English. Other languages are a plus, but not required.


    Expertise and/or Experience Desired

    Students should have at least three months of experience as an employee or intern. They should know how to use Microsoft Office (Word and Excel) or the equivalent Google docs.


    Is any specific attire required of the student?

    We are casual. Please wear comfortable shoes and weather-appropriate attire.


    Does the student need to bring any equipment or materials?

    Please bring a paper and pen each day.


    Where Will the Student Work?

    830 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY

    There are numerous bus and subway lines nearby.


    Dates and Commitment

    Students need to commit for at least six hours a week, for at least two months. They can start at the first of each month.


    How to Apply

    Please send a resume, transcript, and a cover letter about your interest in this role to:

    interns [AT] CentralParkTrust [DOT] org.

    We will get back to you in about one week.


  • Activities_Landscape
  • Ages_16
  • Ages_17
  • Ages_18
  • Ages_19
  • Ages_20
  • Ages_21+
  • Causes_Environment
  • Duration_1 semester
  • Languages_English
  • Languages_Spanish
  • Location_Manhattan East Side
  • Start_December holidays
  • Start_Fall semester
  • Start_Spring holidays
  • Start_Spring semester
  • Start_Summer
  • Weekends_Saturday
  • Weekends_Sunday
  • Work until_7pm