Grooming Volunteer
  • Activities_Animal Care
  • Causes_Domestic Animals
  • Close_3:30 pm
  • Close_4:00 pm
  • Close_4:30 pm
  • Close_5:00 pm
  • Close_5:30 pm
  • Close_6:00 pm
  • Days_Saturday
  • Days_Sunday
  • Duration_1 day
  • Duration_1 day to 1 week
  • Duration_1 month to 1 semester
  • Duration_1 semester to 1 school year
  • Duration_1 week to 1 month
  • Education_College graduate
  • Education_Current college graduate student
  • Education_Current College student
  • Education_Current High School student
  • Education_High School graduate
  • Hours_10 to 20 hours
  • Hours_20 to 40 hours
  • Hours_3 to 6 hours
  • Hours_6 to 10 hours
  • Manhattan: Downtown
  • Opportunities
  • Start_December holidays
  • Start_Fall semester
  • Start_Spring holidays
  • Start_Spring semester
  • Start_Summer
  • Grooming Volunteer

    Animals for Change

    Position / Role


    What will the student do?

    Clean kennels, organize inventory, play with animals

    Language Skills Required

    Expertise and/or Experience Desired

    Is any specific attire required of the student?

    Dress comfortably

    Will you accept a group of students?


    Does the student need to bring any equipment or materials?


    Where Will the Student Work?

    567 Murray St New York New York 10008

    There are numerous bus and subway lines nearby.

    5 to Bowling Green

    Dates and Commitment

    Anyday from 8am-6pm

    How to Apply

    Send me an email stating your interest in volunteering:

    Where to send your application

    We will get back to you in

    3-5 business days

  • Activities_Animal Care
  • Causes_Domestic Animals
  • Close_3:30 pm
  • Close_4:00 pm
  • Close_4:30 pm
  • Close_5:00 pm
  • Close_5:30 pm
  • Close_6:00 pm
  • Days_Saturday
  • Days_Sunday
  • Duration_1 day
  • Duration_1 day to 1 week
  • Duration_1 month to 1 semester
  • Duration_1 semester to 1 school year
  • Duration_1 week to 1 month
  • Education_College graduate
  • Education_Current college graduate student
  • Education_Current College student
  • Education_Current High School student
  • Education_High School graduate
  • Hours_10 to 20 hours
  • Hours_20 to 40 hours
  • Hours_3 to 6 hours
  • Hours_6 to 10 hours
  • Manhattan: Downtown
  • Opportunities
  • Start_December holidays
  • Start_Fall semester
  • Start_Spring holidays
  • Start_Spring semester
  • Start_Summer